You can either download and print the rubric to complete your evaluation on paper or use the online evaluation form (at the bottom of this page) to complete your evaluation electronically and get your completed ratings/feedback emailed to you. If possible, use separate windows for the video and evaluation form so you can have both open at the same time.
Try to resist the urge to pause the video to give yourself more time to write comments, as you will not be able to have extra time during a live evaluation. You will not be able to write a comment for everything you hear or see, so prioritize your written comments just like you'd prioritize your verbal feedback to the team. You'll get quicker with practice, and eventually you'll develop your own form of shorthand you can quickly mark down as a reminder to go finish writing out that comment later.
Remember, if this was a real evaluation, the team would receive all your written comments, so make sure to write down complete thoughts so that they can understand what you were trying to tell them even if you don't have time to explain it verbally. Check the Written Feedback document for more guidance.
Once you finish your ratings and comments, go to the Completed Evaluations page and download the corresponding comments file for the video you just watched. The first page will have the memorization and movement error counts, and the remaining pages will be feedback from experienced evaluators so you can compare that to your own notes.
pre-ordeal ceremony evaluation form
"first aid" for ceremonies evaluators
guide to written feedback